IUUK-CE-ITI series 2007
2007-325 | D. Kráľ, M. Stehlík Coloring of Triangle-Free Graphs on the Double Torus | |
2007-326 | Z. Dvořák, D. Kráľ, R. Škrekovski Non-Rainbow Colorings of 3-, 4- and 5-Connected Plane Graphs | |
2007-327 | D. Kráľ, B. Mohar, A. Nakamoto, O. Pangrác, Y. Suzuki Coloring Eulerian Triangulations of the Klein Bottle | |
2007-328 | P. Surynek Maintaining Arc-Consistency over Mutex Relations in Planning Graphs during Search | |
2007-329 | P. Surynek Constraint Based Reasoning over Mutex Relations in Planning Graphs during Search | |
2007-330 | M. Mareš Krajinou grafových algoritmů | |
2007-331 | J. Fink Perfect Matchings Extend to Hamilton Cycles in Hypercubes | |
2007-332 | J. Picado, A. Pultr, A. Tozzi Ideals in Heyting Semilattices and Open Homomorphisms | |
2007-333 | P. Surynek Projection Global Consistency: An Application in AI Planning | |
2007-334 | J. Fiala, J. Kratochvíl Locally Injective Graph Homomorphism: Lists Guarantee Dichotomy | |
2007-335 | J. Nešetřil, P. Ossona de Mendez Induced Matchings and Induced Paths in Graphs | |
2007-336 | D. Kráľ, P. Škoda Bounds for the Real Number Graph Labellings and Application to Labellings of the Triangular Lattice | |
2007-337 | J. Nešetřil A Surprising Permanence of Old Motivations (A Not So Rigid Story) | |
2007-338 | P. Surynek Tractable Classes of a Problem of Finding Supporting Actions for a Goal in AI Planning | |
2007-339 | N. Lichiardopol, A. Pór, J.-S. Sereni A Step Towards the Bermond-Thomassen Conjecture about Disjoint Cycles in Digraphs | |
2007-340 | P. Surynek Solving Difficult SAT Instances Using Greedy Clique Decomposition | |
2007-341 | M. Bílková Feasible Disjunction Property and Feasible Interpolation in Modal Logic | |
2007-342 | M. Mareš, M. Straka Linear-Time Ranking of Permutations | |
2007-343 | L. Kowalik, J.-S. Sereni, R. Škrekovski Total-Colouring of Plane Graphs With Maximum Degree Nine | |
2007-344 | P. Hliněný New Almost-Planar Crossing-Critical Graph Families | |
2007-345 | J. Foniok, J. Nešetřil, C. Tardif On Finite Maximal Antichains in the Homomorphism Order | |
2007-346 | J. Nešetřil, M. H. Siggers A New Combinatorial Approach to the Constraint Satisfaction Problem Dichotomy Classification | |
2007-347 | D. Kráľ (ed.) Současné Trendy Teoretické Informatiky | |
2007-348 | J. Hladký, D. Kráľ, J.-S. Sereni, M. Stiebitz List Colorings With Measurable Sets | |
2007-349 | D. Kráľ, E. Máčajová, O. Pangrác, A. Raspaud, J.-S. Sereni, M. Škoviera Projective, Affine, and Abelian Colorings of Cubic Graphs | |
2007-350 | P. Surynek, L. Chrpa, J. Vyskočil Solving Difficult Problems by Viewing Them as Structured Dense Graphs | |
2007-351 | Z. Dvořák, R. Škrekovski k-Chromatic Number of Graphs on Surfaces | |
2007-352 | D. Kráľ, E. Máčajová, A. Pór, J.-S. Sereni Characterization Results for Steiner Triple Systems and Their Application to Edge-Colorings of Cubic Graphs | |
2007-353 | V. Janota, J. Kosek (eds.) XMLPrague: A Conference on XML | |
2007-354 | D. Garijo, J. Nešetřil, M. P. Revuelta Homomorphisms and Polynomial Invariants of Graphs | |
2007-355 | J. Babica, V. Řehák, P. Slovák, P. Troubil, M. Zavadil Formalisms and Tools for Design and Specification of Network Protocols | |
2007-356 | P. Hliněný, G. Salazar Approximating the Crossing Number of Toroidal Graphs | |
2007-357 | J. Fink Connectivity of Matching Graph of Hypercube | |
2007-358 | D. Piguet, M. J. Stein An Approximate Version of the Loebl-Komlós-Sós Conjecture | |
2007-359 | J. Nešetřil, T. Valla On Ramsey-Type Positional Games | |
2007-360 | M. Pergel (ed.) Proceedings of the Last COMBSTRU Workshop | |
2007-361 | J. Foniok Homomorphisms and Structural Properties of Relational Systems | |
2007-362 | R. N. Ball, A. Pultr, J. Sichler A Priestley Sum of Finite Trees is Acyclic | |
2007-363 | J. Hladký, D. Kráľ, S. Norine Rank of Divisors on Tropical Curves | |
2007-364 | R. N. Ball, J. Nešetřil, A. Pultr Finite Dualities, in Particular in Full Homomorphisms | |
2007-365 | K. Kawarabayashi, D. Kráľ, J. Kynčl, B. Lidický 6-critical Graphs on the Klein Bottle | |
2007-366 | P. Holub On Distance Local Connectivity and Vertex Distance Colouring | |
2007-367 | P. Holub The Edge-Closure of a Claw-Free Graph is the Line Graph of a Multigraph |