IUUK-CE-ITI series 2008
2008-368 | F. Kardoš, D. Kráľ, J. Miškuf, J.-S. Sereni Fullerene Graphs Have Exponentially Many Perfect Matchings | |
2008-369 | J. Fiala, P. A. Golovach, J. Kratochvíl Distance Constrained Labelings of Trees | |
2008-370 | D. Piguet, M. J. Stein The Loebl-Komlós-Sás Conjecture for Trees of Diameter 5 and for Certain Caterpillars | |
2008-371 | J. Fiala, D. Paulusma Comparing Universal Covers in Polynomial Time | |
2008-372 | D. Kráľ, O. Pangrác, J.-S. Sereni, R. Škrekovski Long Cycles in Fullerene Graphs | |
2008-373 | B. Lidický On 3-choosability of Plane Graphs without 6-, 7- and 8-cycles | |
2008-374 | D. Kráľ, P. Nejedlý, R. Šámal Short Cycle Covers of Cubic Graphs | |
2008-375 | T. Kaiser, D. Kráľ, B. Lidický , P. Nejedlý;Short Cycle Covers of Graphs with Minimum Degree Three | |
2008-376 | J. Fiala, P. A. Golovach Complexity of the Packing Coloring Problem of Trees | |
2008-377 | J.-S. Sereni Equitable Colourings of Graphs with Bounded Density and Given Girth | |
2008-378 | D. Kráľ, P. Nejedlý, X. Zhu Choosability of Squares of K4-minor Free Graphs | |
2008-379 | J. Foniok, J. Nešetřil Splitting Finite Antichains in the Homomorphism Order | |
2008-380 | J. Miškuf, R. Škrekovski, M. Tancer Backbone Colorings and Generalized Mycielski's Graphs | |
2008-381 | J. Miškuf, R. Škrekovski, M. Tancer Backbone Colorings of Graphs with Bounded Degree | |
2008-382 | J. Nešetřil, Y. Nigussie Finite Dualities and Map-Critical Graphs on a Fixed Surface | |
2008-383 | F. Havet, D. Kráľ, J.-S. Sereni and R. Škrekovski Facial Colorings Using Hall's Theorem | |
2008-384 | Z. Dvořák, T. Kaiser, D. Kráľ, J.-S. Sereni A Note on Antisymmetric Flows in Graphs | |
2008-385 | D. Kráľ, O. Serra, L. Vena A Combinatorial Proof of the Removal Lemma for Groups | |
2008-386 | J. Nešetřil, P. Ossona de Mendez Structural Properties of Sparse Graphs | |
2008-387 | J. Nešetřil, P. Ossona de Mendez First Order Properties on Nowhere Dense Structures | |
2008-388 | D. Kráľ, D. B. West Chromatic Number for a Generalization of Cartesian Product Graphs | |
2008-389 | D. Kráľ, J.-S. Sereni, M. Stiebitz A New Lower Bound on the Number of Perfect Matchings in Cubic Graphs | |
2008-390 | T. Kaiser (ed.) Graphs 2008 (Zadov, June 9-13, 2008) | |
2008-391 | J. Foniok, C. Tardif Adjoint Functors and Tree Duality | |
2008-392 | R. N. Ball, A. Pultr, J. Sichler Tame Parts of Free Summands in Coproducts of Priestley Spaces | |
2008-393 | B. Banaschewski, A. Pultr Epimorphisms of Metric Frames | |
2008-394 | J. Nešetřil Many Facets of Dualities | |
2008-395 | J. Hladký , D. Piguet;Loebl-Komlós-Sás Conjecture: Dense Case | |
2008-396 | P. Gregor and R. Škrekovski Long Cycles in Hypercubes with Distant Faulty Vertices | |
2008-397 | D. Dimitrov, T. Dvořák, P. Gregor, R. Škrekovski Gray Codes Faulting Matchings | |
2008-398 | B. A. Anderson Automorphisms of the Truth-Table Degrees Are Fixed on a Cone | |
2008-399 | F. Havet, M. Klazar, J. Kratochvíl, D. Kratsch and M. Liedloff Exact Algorithms for L(2,1)-Labeling of Graphs | |
2008-400 | J. Fiala, S. Klavžar, B. Lidický The Packing Chromatic Number of Infinite Product Graphs | |
2008-401 | M. DeVos, L. Goddyn, B. Mohar, R. Šámal Cayley Sum Graphs and Eigenvalues of (3,6)-fullerenes | |
2008-402 | J. Matoušek and R. Šámal Induced Trees in Triangle-Free Graphs | |
2008-403 | Z. Dvořák Small Graph Classes and Bounded Expansion | |
2008-404 | D. Kráľ, L. Stacho Coloring Plane Graphs with Independent Crossings | |
2008-405 | Z. Dvořák, K. Kawarabayashi, R. Thomas Three-Coloring Triangle-Free Planar Graphs in Linear Time | |
2008-406 | P. Holub and L. Xiong On Distance Local Connectivity and the Hamiltonian Index | |
2008-407 | T. Kaiser The Strong Chromatic Index of Bipartite Graphs (withdrawn) | |
2008-408 | P. Kolman, O. Pangrác On the Complexity of Paths Avoiding Forbidden Pairs | |
2008-409 | J. Nešetřil, O. Serra On a Conjecture of Erdos and Turán for Additive Basis | |
2008-410 | O. Zajíček A Note on Scheduling Parallel Unit Jobs on Hypercubes | |
2008-411 | E. Lehtonen, J. Nešetřil Minors of Boolean Functions with Respect to Clique Functions and Hypergraph Homomorphisms | |
2008-412 | V. Müller, J. Nešetřil, V. Rődl dl;Some Recollections on Early Work with Jan Pelant | |
2008-413 | P. Hell, J. Nešetřil Colouring, Constraint Satisfaction, and Complexity | |
2008-414 | D. Kráľ, S. Norine, O. Pangrác Markov Bases of Binary Graph Models of K4-Minor Free Graphs | |
2008-415 | Z. Dvořá k, B. Lidický, R. Škrekovski;Planar Graphs without 3-,7-, and 8-cycles are 3-choosable | |
2008-416 | T. Ebenlendr, J. Sgall Semi-Online Preemptive Scheduling: One Algorithm for All Variants | |
2008-417 | T. Ebenlendr, J. Sgall A Lower Bound for Scheduling of Unit Jobs with Immediate Decision on Parallel Machines | |
2008-418 | R. Ganian, P. Hliněný On Parse Trees and Myhill-Nerode-type Tools for handling Graphs of Bounded Rank-width | |
2008-419 | D. Kráľ, O. Serra, L. Vena A Removal Lemma for Systems of Linear Equations over Finite Fields | |
2008-420 | J. Azarija, R. Erman, D. Kráľ, M. Krnc, L. Stacho Cyclic Colorings of Plane Graphs with Independent Faces | |
2008-421 | M. Klazar, M. Loebl (eds.) Enumeration Workshop (Patejdlova bouda, Špindlerův Mlýn, November 17-23, 2007) | |
2008-422 | Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, R. Škrekovski 3-choosability of triangle-free planar graphs with constraint on 4-cycles | |
2008-423 | O. Amini, L. Esperet, J. van den Heuvel A Unified Approach to Distance-Two Colouring of Graphs on Surfaces | |
2008-424 | P. Gregor, R. Škrekovski On Generalized Middle Level Problem | |
2008-425 | M. Krčál Collapse Closed Classes of Graphs and Graph Parameters | |
2008-426 | L. Esperet, D. Kráľ, P. Škoda, R. Škrekovski An Improved Linear Bound on the Number of Perfect Matchings in Cubic Graphs |