IUUK-CE-ITI series 2004
2004-175 | J. Krajíček Diagonalization in proof complexity | |
2004-176 | P. Hliněný Crossing number is hard for cubic graphs | |
2004-177 | J. Fiala, V. B. Le The subchromatic index of graphs | |
2004-178 | D. Král' and R. Škrekovski The last excluded case of Dirac's map-color theorem for choosability | |
2004-179 | J. Nešetřil, P. O. de Mendez Tree depth, subgraph coloring and homomorphism bounds | |
2004-180 | M. Bläser, B. Manthey, J. Sgall An improved approximation algorithm for the asymmetric TSP with strengthened triangle inequality | |
2004-181 | M. Chrobak, W. Jawor, J. Sgall, T. Tichý Improved online algorithms for buffer management in QoS switches | |
2004-182 | M. Chrobak, W. Jawor, J. Sgall, T. Tichý Online scheduling of equal-length jobs: randomization and restarts help | |
2004-183 | J. Krajíček Structured pigeonhole principle, search problems and hard tautologies | |
2004-184 | R. Barták Validating plans with durative actions via integrating Boolean and numerical constraints | |
2004-185 | Z. Dvořák, D. Král', O. Pangrác Locally consistent constraint satisfaction problems | |
2004-186 | A. Bagchi, A. Chaudhary, P. Kolman, and J. Sgall A simple combinatorial proof of duality of multiroute flows and cuts | |
2004-187 | V. Jungić, J. Nešetřil, R. Radoičić Rainbow Ramsey theory | |
2004-188 | A. Bagchi, A. Chaudhary, P. Kolman Short Length Menger's Theorem and its Relation to Reliable Optical Routing | |
2004-189 | Banaschewski, E. Giuli, A. Pultr Epimorphisms of uniform frames | |
2004-190 | G. Tóth, P. Valtr The Erdös-Szekeres theorem: upper bounds and related results | |
2004-191 | P. Valtr Open caps and cups in planar point sets | |
2004-192 | J. Nešetřil, J. Solymosi, P. Valtr A Ramsey property of planar graphs | |
2004-193 | K.J. Swanepoel, P. Valtr The unit distance problem on spheres | |
2004-194 | I. Bárány, P. Valtr Planar point sets with a small number of empty convex polygons | |
2004-195 | J. Hubička, J. Nešetřil Finite presentation of homogeneous graphs, posets and Ramsey classes | |
2004-196 | D. Král' and O. Pangrác An asymptotically optimal linear-time algorithm for locally consistent constraint satisfaction problems | |
2004-197 | R. Ball, A. Pultr, J. Sichler Combinatorial trees in Priestley spaces | |
2004-198 | J. Nešetřil Metric spaces are Ramsey | |
2004-199 | D. Král' Polynomial-size binary decision diagrams for the Exactly half-d-hyperclique problem reading each input bit twice | |
2004-201 | B. Grünbaum, T. Kaiser, D. Král', M. Rosenfeld Equipartite polytopes and graphs | |
2004-202 | V. Jungić On Brown's conjecture on accessible sets | |
2004-203 | H. Broersma, G. Fijavž, T. Kaiser, R. Kužel, and Z. Ryjáček Contractible subgraphs, Thomassen's conjecture and the dominating cycle conjecture for snarks | |
2004-204 | Z. Dvořák, R. Škrekovski, T. Valla Four gravity results | |
2004-205 | P. Surynek, R. Barták A new algorithm for maintaining arc consistency after constraint retraction | |
2004-206 | T. Feder, P. Hell, D. Král', J. Sgall Two algorithms for general list matrix partitions | |
2004-207 | M. Chrobak, P. Kolman, J. Sgall The greedy algorithm for the minimum common string partition problem | |
2004-208 | G. J. Woeginger, J. Sgall On the complexity of cake cutting | |
2004-209 | D. Král', and L. Stacho Hamiltonian threshold for strong products of graphs | |
2004-210 | A. Goldstein, P. Kolman, J.Zheng Minimum common string partition problem: hardness and approximations | |
2004-211 | T. Kaiser, D. Král', R. Škrekovski, X. Zhu The circular chromatic index of graphs of high girth | |
2004-212 | J. Krajíček Proof complexity | |
2004-213 | P. Hliněný Equivalence-free exhaustive generation of matroid representations | |
2004-214 | Z. Dvořák, V. Jelínek, D. Král', J. Kynčl, M. Saks Three optimal algorithms for balls of three colors | |
2004-215 | J. Kynčl, J. Pach, and G. Tóth Long alternating paths in bicolored point sets | |
2004-216 | J. Šíma, J. Sgall On the non-learnability of a single spiking neuron | |
2004-217 | P. Kolman Linear Time Approximation Algorithm for Sorting by Reversals with Bounded Number of Duplicates | |
2004-218 | J. Fiala, P. Golovach, J. Kratochvíl Elegant distance constrained labelings of trees | |
2004-219 | J. Montellano-Ballesteros, A. Pór, R. Strausz Tverberg-type theorems for separoids | |
2004-220 | M. Klazar Prvočísla obsahují libovolně dlouhé aritmetické posloupnosti | |
2004-221 | M. Klazar Counting set systems by weight | |
2004-222 | J.Nešetřil, C.Tardif Short answers to exponentially long questions: Extremal aspects of homomorphism duality | |
2004-223 | R. Barták On Generators of Random Quasigroup Problems | |
2004-224 | R. Barták Propagating Deletions in Tabular Constraints | |
2004-225 | T.Kaiser, R.Škrekovski Cycles intersecting edge-cuts of prescribed sizes | |
2004-226 | R. Babilon, V. Jelínek, D. Král', P. Valtr Labelings of Graphs with Fixed and Variable Edge-Weights | |
2004-227 | R.N. Ball, A. Pultr, J. Sichler The mysterious 2-crown | |
2004-228 | J. Nešetřil, R. Strausz Universality of separoids | |
2004-229 | D. Král' Channel assignment problem with variable weights | |
2004-230 | P. Nejedlý Choosability of graphs with infinite sets of forbidden differences | |
2004-231 | M. Bálek, J. Nešetřil Towards Mathematical Aesthetics | |
2004-232 | W.Krauth, M.Loebl Jamming and geometric representations of graphs | |
2004-233 | M.Janata, M.Loebl, J.Szabó The Edmonds-Gallai decompositions for the k-piece packing problem | |
2004-234 | R.A.Brualdi, M.Loebl, O.Pangrác Perfect matching preservers |